Ok, here we go...

So, In February 2011 I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease...wanna know more? Go here!

I get a lot of questions about Celiac Disease and I'm a secret chef so I decided to start this blog so I can get the word out and share some of the meals I've cooked as well as some of the things I've found along the way. I'm very active and I refuse to let Celiac Disease keep me from doing all the fun stuff I'm used to :-)

I'm learning and growing so if you have any ideas or comments feel free to share!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


One morning when I was feeling particularly domestic I decided to make GF pancakes for me and the Man.

I used the new Gluten Free Bisquick from General Mills. I followed the directions on the side of the box, very easy stuff.

The key to this recipe is mixing the batter AND letting it sit for about 10 minutes so that the liquid can be absorbed by the flour. This keeps it from being grainy.

Here is the finished product, I added some chocolate chips to mine. You can't even tell that they are GF. I kinda out-did myself!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Mike Has Nothing on Chester!

I recently tried Michael Season's Feel Good Snacking Cheese Curls and they were breathtakingly delicious! These products are all natural, reduced fat, and wheat/gluten free. I would recommend anyone who misses chips to or salty snacking to try any one of Michael Season's products!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Chex Crispy Treats!

I  really loved Rice Krispie Treats, but oddly enough even though they are made of rice...they are NOT gluten free!

Then one day...LIGHT BULB...Why can't I just use my favorite GF Chex? Genius!

I used the Rice Krispie treats recipe, pretty simple: cereal, marshmallows, butter

I made a batch but the Boo made a MUCH better batch. He mixed the Honey Chex & the Cinnamon Chex: YUM!
Word of advice...be sure the marshmallows are GF, I used Kraft Jet Puffed.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Daddy's Girl

I will admit...my dad is a pretty cool dude. He can cook/bake/grill his buns off!! It's nice to drop by and have a nice home cooked meal, that you didn't have to make, every now and then. On this particular occasion I got to partake in steak and beans...yeah, I know that sounds plain, but by no means was it plain.

This steak was perfectly seasoned, juicy, and moist.

The beans were a mix of lima beans, black eyed peas, corn, ham hocks...as well as some secret ingredients I'm sure! They were slow cooked to perfection.

 Dad, if you read this please make some more steaks and invite me over. Thanks, Love you!

(See? Daddy's Girl)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Cupcakes Like Mom Never Made

Alrighty...here's another adventure in baking!

I made yummy cupcakes and I do mean YUMMY!!!!

I modified the muffin recipe I posted earlier.

Sooo I had to taste one to make sure it was done

Then I had to taste one to make sure the frosting was extra yummy...

This is the frosting that I used on my cupcakes:

 Good news...this frosting is (drumroll) Gluten Free and clearly marked!

 I thoroughly enjoyed every one of these muffins and I hope you take advantage of Betty Crocker's new Gluten Free Baking Items!!